New Direction: Day 1

  • 11.30.2016
Fall 2016

It became apparent to us after our daughter, Rachel, left for college that we could not continue the farm in its current state. The state being continuing doing the work of 3 people with only 2 people. 

Lawd. That photo still makes me tear up!

We had 150 CSA Members we delivered our grass fed beef, organic pork, organic chicken, and organic eggs to monthly year-round. Calvin had a full time job, plus worked 60+ hours on the farm each week. We rarely were able to get away from the farm - there was always more work to do, more animals being born, more crops to plant, more crops to harvest, CSA bags to pack, CSA deliveries, emails to catch up on, marketing work to do.

You get my meaning. We were WORKING. We were not LIVING.

We love what we do. We hated the toll it was taking on us. We knew we had to make a change - a drastic one.

We listed our land, farmhouse, and guest house for sale. This was HUGE for us. We suddenly had to decide what we were going to do with everything - our livestock, our business, the stuff we had accumulated over 20 years. 

We wanted to downsize and get our lives back under control. We just had a LOT of work to do to make that happen.

So begins the journey to the next phase of our lives. 

Stay tuned.